Friday, October 24, 2014

70's Big - Basic 3Day Template

70's Big Basic 3Day Template by Justin Lascek
(Originally found

Program Cliffs:

  • Basic template allowing modification of sets/reps and variations
  • Tackles the competitive lifts twice a week, with another day intended for overall strength work
  • Utilizes alternating heavy and medium loads on the contested lifts
    • Medium weights around 80% of Max, 6-10 reps at roughly 1minute apart
    • Heavy weights work up to heavy singles, roughly 5 reps total
  • Open ended; lifters could combine with Texas Method squat program
  • Recommended weekly weight increase of 2.5-5kg; eventually whittle 5 singles to 3 then to 1.
  • Keep progressing on weight and multiple singles going (roughly 2-3 months total)

Click here to access the google docs spreadsheet

Monday Wednesday Friday
Snatch (heavy) Press or Push-Press Snatch (medium)
C&J (medium) Front Squat C&J (heavy)
Squat Barbell Row Squat or Bench
*Potentially, you could perform all these lifts on Friday; may be excessive work