Friday, October 24, 2014

Bulgarian by Critical Bench

Bulgarian System from Critical Bench
(Originally posted

General Statements about the Bulgarian System:
  • It has produced some of the greatest weightlifters in the world
  • The overall template is very simple: contested lifts, squats, "daily max," max often
  • It is noted as a very demanding and unforgiving system of training
  • Prolific drug use is often cited as the only method to handle the true system
  • The system was make-or-break using a large pool of athletes
  • This was designed for full-time weightlifters
There are a lot of Bulgarian weightlifting programs on the internet. There are also overall guiding principles that seem to be prolific on the internet, suggesting a starting point for what a true Bulgarian program looks like. Heavy singles & back-off sets, lots of squatting, and emphasis on classic lifts, along with establishing a "Daily Max" seem to be the most popular principles for establishing what is or is not a Bulgarian program.

Program Cliffs:

  • Completion time (moving 3x/Wk - 8x/Wk) will take roughly a year and a half according to the source article
  • No steadfast progression is listed week to week (adaptation varies by individual)
  • The program is very basic and starts minimalistic, but will become time consuming going forward
  • The MTR is imperative - it is how you base your weight selection i.e. Daily Maxes
The full-length article has been condensed into appropriate tables and bullet points. Please review below and see the full read above.

Maximum Training Resistance (MTR) - "maximum resistance that can be overcome once without a strong effort/stress"

  • Author notes the MTR is key to keep the nervous system healthy (i.e. not burned out)
  • The MTR varies for each lifter and self-awareness is key. Are missed lifts due to technique or weight selection?
  • MTR is the system of progression based on volume/intensity for Bulgarian training methods
  • The week recommendation follows a pattern A-B-B-C-A (some lifters may work well under A-B-B-C-C-A)
  • Weeks for the mesocycle will build based off the MTR of Week 1
    - "True MTR" for any day of the week will only come with experience/time on the program; i.e "Feel"
    - Weeks B and C, the lifter will essentially complete a 2nd and 3rd wave back up, regardless of MTR of Wk 1.

Week Progression Description Example Weights (Based on 100kg Snatch)
"A Week"
(Week 1)
Predicted MTR (minus 20kg) for 2 reps
Predicted MTR (minus 10kg) for single
MTR for 3-4 singles
80/2, 90, 100 (3-4)
"B Week"
(Week 2)
Perform "A Week" Progrsesion
Then MTR (minus 10kg) for 2 reps
MTR (minus 5kg) for single
MTR (+5kg) for 2-4 singles
80/2, 90, 100 (3), 90/2, 95, 105 (2-4)
"B Week"
(Week 3)
Same as above 80/2, 90, 100 (3), 90/2, 95, 105 (2-4)
"C Week"
(Week 4)
Perform entire "B Week" progression
Then MTR (minus 20kg) for 2 reps
MTR (minus 10kg) for single
MTR (+5-7kg) for 2-4 singles
80/2, 90, 100 (3), 90/2, 95, 105 (3),
80/2, 90/2, 105 (2), 107.5 (2)
"A Week"
(Week 5)
80/2, 90, 100 (3-4)
The lifter will restart and will *most likely* use 105 as the MTR for Week A in the mesocycle.

It Begins...

  • The program starts with 3 Days/Week, emphasizes simplicity, and utilizes heavy loads
  • No recommended length of time to run this cycle; 2 or 3 "repeats" of the ABBCA scheme would not hurt

Basic Template (Starting phase)
Day 1
Snatch 3 Singles (using MTR Matrix)
C&J MTR Matrix
Front Squat 3 Singles (using MTR), then 2 sets of 2 using MTR (minus 15kg)
Day 2
Back Squat 3 sets of 2 with Day 1 C&J MTR (add 20kg)
Power Snatch 3 Singles (using MTR)
Power Clean & Power Jerk 3 Singles (using MTR)
RDL 3s3r with Day 1 C&J MTR (add 20kg)
Day 3
Snatch Work to true 1RM
C&J Work to true 1RM
Front or Back Squat Work to true 1RM

Creating a Morning/Evening Session

  • Adding a PM Session (Day 2 Session above becomes AM session. PM Session detailed below)
  • Program allows some flexibility - if lifting M/W/F, AM/PM session is on Wednesday.
    If lifting Tu/Thur/Sat then AM/PM is on Thursday
  • If you cannot add/handle AM & PM Session, continuing the program successfully is almost impossible

Day 2 - AM/PM Session
Back Squat 3 sets of 2 with Day 1 C&J MTR (add 20kg) Snatch 3-4 sets, 2 reps, 80%
Power Snatch 3 Singles (using MTR) C&J 3-4 sets, 2 reps, 80%
Power Clean & Power Jerk 3 Singles (using MTR) Snatch Pull 3-4 sets, 3 reps
(+10kg of snatch weight)
RDL 3s3r with Day 1 C&J MTR (add 20kg)

Addition of a 4th Day

  • After months have passed (3+), the program will now add another session - Day 4
  • Previous M/W/F becomes M/Tu/Sat (Or Tu/Thu/Sat becomes Tu/Wed/Sun
  • Program now adds a session on Thursday (or Friday). This session is identical to Day 1
  • The template now resembles below (% not included)

Day 1 Day 2 AM Day 2 PM Day 3 Day 4
Snatch Back Squat Snatch Repeat Monday's Session Snatch
C&J Power Snatch C&J C&J
Front Squat Power Clean & Push Press Snatch Pull Front or Back Squat

Creating a Morning/Evening Session (Again)

  • Day 1 now receives an AM Session. The original Day 1 workout is moved to PM

Day 1 - AM/PM Session
Snatch 3/4 sets, 2 reps, 85% Snatch 3 Singles (using MTR Matrix)
C&J 2/3 sets, 2 reps, 90% C&J MTR Matrix
Back Squat or RDL Work to MTR Front Squat 3 Singles (using MTR), then 2 sets of 2 using MTR (minus 15kg)

Final Additions

  • Day 3 session receives AM workout identical to Day 1 AM workout (i.e. Monday/Thursday have identical AM)
  • Day 4 session (Saturday or Sunday) gets AM session detailed below (Considered prepping for PM session)

Day 4 - AM/PM Session
Back Squat 3 sets, 3 reps, 80% Snatch Work to true 1RM
Power Snatch "Light" C&J Work to true 1RM
Power Clean & Power Jerk "Light" Front or Back Squat Work to true 1RM

Putting it all together, our final template looks as follows:

Final Template - 8 Sessions/Week
Day 1 Day 2 Day3 Day 4
Snatch Snatch Back Squat Snatch Snatch Snatch Back Squat Snatch
C&J C&J Power Snatch C&J C&J C&J Power Snatch C&J
Back Squat or RDL Front Squat Power Clean & Push Press Snatch Pull Back Squat or RDL Front Squat Power Clean & Power Jerk Front or Back Squat

Congratulations. You are now winning Olympics