Friday, September 2, 2016

Wil Fleming 4 Week 'Stronger Than Ever'

Wil Fleming 4 Week 'Stronger Than Ever'
(Original program found here)

Program Cliffs:
  • 4 Day/Week program designed for Mon/Wed/Thurs/Saturday
    • Day On/Off, On/Off schedule may work well for lifters with odd work schedules or who are unable to consistently train consecutive days
  • Designed to peak on the final week with rep maxes in the Back Squat, Power Clean/Snatch, and hit heavier doubles in the classic lifts
  • Squat 4 days per week
  • Variety of exercises and rep schemes, much more generalized strength with slight focus on weightlifting
    • Fleming noted this program help achieve his lifetime 300kg total
  • Probably a decent change of pace for programming for a 4-8 week period
    • Some strength based, some technique, and some general fitness lifts with a variety of rep schemes all around. 
    • Fleming suggests the order of exercises and rep schemes work for the majority of all his lifters he's coached
  • Spreadsheet created by me based on given program percentages from original link

1 comment:

  1. I came across this spreadsheet created by Wil Fleming himself for the program. Very similar to what I originally created, just a different format.


    source link:
