Mike Burgener 12 Week Program
(Originally found here, as posted by Mike Burgener)
(Original webpage program comments: view here)
Program Cliffs:
- 12 Week program, 4 days per week
- The author notes this program is very flexible for any schedule but to consider the following split:
- Monday, Tuesday, Rest, Thursday, Rest, Saturday
- Each Session you can input your 1RM/PR under the MAX heading - this will calculate your weight for the exercise.
- the program also displays the total reps performed with each exercise
- Each exercise day based around snatch or cleans, back squats throughout the program
- The program also includes some basic strength elements such as pressing, chin-ups, box jumps, and core work
- Abbreviations:
- WT = this is the weight you will use for the exercise
- PS = power snatch
- HSS = hang squat snatch (I believe this is just a full snatch from the hang)
- SN = snatch
- PS+HSS+SN = power snatch, hang snatch, snatch complex
- According to comments, doing this once would equal 3 reps total, not 1 rep
- POS clean/snatch = 3-position (pauses at floor, below knee, hang)
- PJ+JRK = power jerk + jerk
- Clean Shrugs = taken off the blocks, from high hang position
- HLR = hanging leg raise
- SN PP = snatch push-press (use your max snatch for this, according to the author)
- Please review the above link for comments from users and the author on running the program and for any details I may have missed
ReplyDeleteI saw no exercises in the program to determine new 1RM. How are the MAX values supposed to change/update over the program?
Thanks in advance,
I have added a link above that shows the comments on the program from the original webpage.
ReplyDeleteI believe you have two options:
1. He suggests if you're a few weeks into the program and things are working well on any particular day then you can try for a new 1RM, i.e. "when the frying pan is hot, you do the cooking"
2. He appears to suggest you can run the entire 12 week program, enjoy a week of rest, and then go for 1RM at the end of the rest week. Personally, I find the rest week/week off should still have a couple days of very minimal and light technique work, short sessions, stretch/recovery, eating well prior to attempting personal bests.