Friday, December 9, 2016

Mike Burgener 7 Week Periodization Table

 Mike Burgener 7 Week Periodization Table
(Originally found here, as posted by Mike Burgener)

Program Cliffs:
  • Open-ended, 7 week programming that can be tailored to an individual
    • This would also work well as an 8 week program, with the final week testing 1RM 
  • Mike Burgener used this program table design with some of his teams in weighlifting
  • The scheme is straightforward:
    • The first few weeks consist of more conditioning work and less intensity
    • Gradually moves toward higher intensity with much less volume
  • Best used with more experienced or intermediate lifters that have an understanding of programming, how to set up a daily session, and how they respond to training for exercise selection.
  • This is not a comprehensive program so it will require exercise selection by the user - per the above link, the blog author (Mike Burgener) noted in the comments to consider:
    •  Monday: classic lift, classic pull, overhead lift
    • Tuesday: squat based, ab work
    • Wednesday: classic lift, classic pull, overhead lift
    • Thursday: squat based, ab work
    • Friday: rest
    • Saturday: both classic lifts
  • Presses listed in the sheet mean any press - push-press, bench-press, overhead, snatch press, etc.
  • If there is no percentage given in the sheet then then you can choose the weight/reps


  1. hello, i'm from brazil, i recommend this program, great to gain strength to squat and pull. I noticed a difference after week 3.
    I'm in week 4 when I finish I'll give my statement.
    Body weight: 65kg (20% body fat)
    Snatch: 42kg
    Clean Jerk: 64kg

  2. Hey, I'm back to talk about my earnings:
    Body weight: 62kg (15% body fat)
    Snatch: 50kg (note: this attempt was a power position)
    Clean Jerk: 70kg (no comments, relatively light)
    I intend to continue for another year at least repeating this program. (I train for 6 months)

    1. Thank you Nathan. I'm glad you're seeing improvements! Interested how your progress goes forward

  3. Hi, in the last few weeks I started college, between having to move house, and adapting to the college schedule, I ended up reducing my training frequency to 3 days (Monday/Wednesday/Friday). I was doing basic technical work, the core movements, alternating back squats and front squats, also alternating snt pulls and cln pulls in addition to doing Ohp.
    Results: Snatch:60kg;
    Clean jerk:80kg;
    Bw:63kg (I feel like I'm losing body volume, but I'm also thinner).
