(Originally found here, by Mike Gray via Catalyst Athletics)
Program Cliffs:
- This program spreadsheet was a user request
- 4Day/Week for 4 weeks
- The program combines weightlifting with hypertrophy and strength exercises
- Doubles in the classic lifts
- Lots of volume (50-100 total reps) for additional exercises for hypertrophy (chest, shoulders, arms, calves)
- The goal of this program is to have fun while maintaining some weightlifting aspects
- This is not a comprehensive cycle or a competition prep
- If you are unsure the direction of your next major training block, this could work well to hold you over until you make a decision.
- This program would work well as planned between major cycles & to have some variety in the gym by getting a pump before transitioning back to specified training.
- You could use this as a hypertrophy phase if your next block is lacking it.
- Programming is based around 1RM on only snatch, power clean, clean, C&J
- Do not expect variety for weightlifting; the variety is for self-selected hypertrophy
- There is a fair bit of "self-selection" for this program
- Mike Gray gives some suggestions for how the weights should feel
- Please read the original article, as this will give a bit more detail than the spreadsheet regarding how to progress and run the program