Saturday, March 5, 2022

Waxman's Gym - 13 Week Empire Classic Progression

Waxman's Gym - 13 Week Empire Classic Progression
(Originally found here, by Waxman's Gym)

Program Cliffs:
  • 5 days per week, 13 weeks total
  • Complete cycle leading to peaking for a competition
    • Preparation phase (4 weeks)
    • Strength phase (4 weeks)
    • Competition phase (5 weeks)
  • All lifts based around Snatch, C&J, Back Squat, Front Squat 
  • Consistent use of classic lifts or variations
    • Powers, hang, high and low blocks
  • Reps are kept to 5 or 3, transitioning to doubles later. Minimal complexes.
  • Throughout the program you will attempt:
    • 5RM & 3RM Front Squat, Back Squat
    • 3RM & 2RM Snatch and Clean from Blocks
    • 1RM FS, BS, Snatch, C&J
  • There are some notes regarding the Press in this program:
    • Press is unique: based upon either a Press 1RM, Snatch 1RM, or Front Squat 1RM
    • In the program he usually noted which was being used and I followed his prescription
      • Early, the program seemed to favor Snatch 1RM
      • However, some weeks later on there was no specification 
        • For these weeks I have given an option by listing both Snatch & Press 1RM for you to choose
  • Week 12, Day 5 listed C&J singles with a specific format (2+1 = 1rep)
    • The original page did not specify which sets involved the format, but I interpreted the 2+1 for all the 1rep sets. Some sets called for 3reps.

  • Please observe the following comments from some original posts. I left the program as it was written/uploaded, but these two days had smart observations regarding the program.
    • RE: Week 4 Day 5
      • Are the power snatches 85% of the day's 3RM, or is it supposed to be 65% like Day 6's power cleans?
    • RE: Week 4 Day 6
      • Program is great so far! I noticed in the description that there is supposed to be a 5 rep max for the back squat as well, but I don't see it in this week. Thanks!
    • RE: Press 1RM of Snatch:
      • Work up to whatever max weight you can manage for sets of 5. 

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