Sunday, January 9, 2022

Waxman's Gym - 14 Week Initial Progression

Waxman's Gym - 14 Week Initial Progression
(Originally found here, by Waxman's Gym)

Program Cliffs:
  • 5 days per week, 14 weeks total
  • Complete cycle leading to peaking for a competition
    • Preparation phase (6 weeks) of volume & complexes leading to a 1RM test
    • Competition phase (8 weeks) to re-test in a competition
  • All lifts based around Snatch, C&J, Back Squat, Front Squat
  • Expect a variety of lifts throughout the preparation phase:
    • Clean grip pulls, blocks, pulls from above/below knee, both full and power variations
  • Preparation phase also has general preparedness and athletic exercises
    • Often not seen in other programs: jumps, throws, and sprints are programmed
    • This could be a great variety if you're used to only performing the classics
  • Reps are kept low, mostly to sets of 4 or under
  • Some exercises may be unfamiliar, i.e "Canella Cross"
  • There is a 1-Week Transition phase I also included in the spreadsheet
    • It is directly after the 14-week program is complete
    • High Intensity, minimal exercises to keep CNS primed for your next program 
  • I also included his 3-Week Strength phase
    • If desired: I believe the Transition and then Strength phase could be run consecutively,  leading directly into the next program, the Empire Classic Progression

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