Chinese Training Standards
(User submission from Manuel of MaStrength)
- Spreadsheet shows expected standards in China
- All the lifts are based on Clean & Jerk
- Useful for comparing your lifts to Chinese expected standards
- Data was derived from across a number of studies of elite weightlifters in China
- Guo Qinghong, an IWF referree and Master's Event organizer in China, presented this information at a seminar
- Can be used before and after (pre/post) of a training cycle to track changes in the lifts
- Useful as a rough guide to picking weak points and identify lagging areas
American Competition Standards
(Originally posted by CatalystAthletics, found here)
- 7 Levels of American Weightlifting standards
- Divided into weightclasses, men, women
- Useful for comparing your numbers across the American population
- Weightlifting in the US consists mostly of athletes starting the sport as an adult
- Numbers may reflect differently than other charts on this page
- Useful as a rough guide to picking weak points and identify lagging areas
- Please view the website for the changelog.
Click here to access the 2018 Version of American Standards
Click here to access the 2015 Version of American Standards
(Originally found
- Another useful calculator to identify weak points
- Noted caveats to this calculator:
- Data for these ratios came from elite male weightlifters
- Pressing was a large factor in programming at the time
- Weight classes have been modified since
Weightlifting Ratio Calculator
(Originally found
- Calculates ideal ratios of classic and strength lifts based on Back Squat 1RM
- Useful as a rough guide to picking weak points and identify lagging areas
- Plug in squat number and select weight class from drop down menu (top left corner) to view WR percentages
Sinclair Calculator
Queensland Lifts & Sinclair Calculator
PR/Lift Calculator
Torokhity PR GeneraTOR