(Originally found https://glennpendlay.wordpress.com/page/14/)
Program Cliffs:
- 8 Week program, 5 days/wk lifting
- Requires knowledge of your best Squat/Push Press for 5, Front Squat for 3 and variations on snatch/C&J (Check the spreadsheet)
- Uses variety of lifts, complexes, and set/rep schemes
- Allows for some minor conditioning work
- This program builds toward peaking for a competition on the 8th week with built-in deload
- I created this spreadsheet to allow users to check the original source and ensure the percentages/exercises align - some of Glenn's posts were a little vague
- I made annotations/comments on every cell with links to the original blog post
- I left the excel sheet very plain with the original dates - color/edit at will