Sunday, November 7, 2021

Chinese 3 Week, Heavy & Light - by Larry Yang

Chinese 3 Week, Heavy & Light - by Larry Yang
(Originally found here, by Larry Yang at Weightlifting Forums)

Program Cliffs:
  • This program spreadsheet was a user request
  • 3 week cycle, which will have a particular focus
    • 2 Weeks Heavy, 1 Week Light 
    • It was designed to address his weaknesses: Front squat, speed, strength, hamstring size
  • Please read the entire source thread for conversation and details
    • This program was crafted for Larry during his time in China with a provincial team.
    • This was also based off his PR numbers (listed on the Info page of the sheet)
  • This is not a comprehensive cycle or a competition prep
  • Larry learned programming methods for beginner/intermediate developing lifters who are consistent with technique, but need more strength 
  • Programming based around 1RM of most major lifts
    • Sometimes the rep/set scheme was not perfectly clear. I noted as such.
      • It would help to familiarize yourself with the original written program to make considerations as you see fit.

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