Sample Masters Weightlifting Training Program
(Originally found here, by Catalyst Athletics)
Program Cliffs:
- This program spreadsheet was a user submission from Tejas
- I only made simple edits for visibility from his plain-text spreadsheet.
- 3 days per week, 6 weeks total
- This was originally written for a Masters lifter to prepare for a competition
- Overall a reduced frequency, volume, intensity
- Week 3 & 4 appear the heaviest, then a light, and taper week before competition.
- Focuses on classic lifts, however Catalyst notes there are some specifics created for technical weaknesses for the original lifter.
- This is most likely seen in the pulls followed by a lift, push followed by a jerk, and a few other areas.
- The template can be used as-is, or modified to suit your needs
- Tejas commented the following:
- He notes this worked well when there was limited time to lift
- He notes it could also be paired with other activities/sports
- Back/Front Squat can be switched
- The comments section on Catalyst also has some discussion that might be useful:
- Could consider conditioning/cardio work on Tues/Sat
- Program could be split into 2-Day/Week by moving around pulls
- Could perform only Back or Front squat on both days
- Could run this cycle again after Week 6 by performing a deload as:
- Week 1 with 10-15% reduction of weight
- Week 1 with 15-25% reduction of volume
- Due to the ability to easily modify, I will list this as a basic template as well.
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